An ode to fathers: Stay at home dads on the rise

The number of stay at home fathers is on the rise. In fact the number has nearly doubled since 1989 when 1.1 million were at home compared to 2010 when the number sky rocketed to 2.2 million, according to a study just released by Pew Research Center.

The largest contributor to the increase can be linked to the recession and fathers unable to find work.

“Roughly a quarter of these stay-at-home fathers (23 percent) report that they are home mainly because they cannot find a job,” according to the study. “Nearly as many (21 percent) say the main reason they are home is to care for their home or family. This represents a fourfold increase from 1989, when only 5 percent of stay-at-home fathers said they were home primarily to care for family.”

Although the main reason for the increase is linked to the economy, there are still many fathers choosing to stay home. Or just working from home as is the case with local fathers in Warwick, N.Y. and Andover, N.J.

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