Female hockey players take over Vernon ice

Megan Graham and Rachel Colvin play on the boys Vernon High School Hockey team.

Megan Graham and Rachel Colvin play on the boys Vernon High School Hockey team.


VERNON — A love for a sport can start with the thrill of attending a professional game or following older siblings’ footsteps, either way it has nothing to do with gender.

Hockey, typically a male’s sport, was a passion for both Megan Graham and Rachel Colvin. And the lack of women’s leagues never deterred either of them from signing up for the Vernon Boys High School Hockey Team. Graham as Goalie and Colvin as Forward.

This is the second in a series of articles that will run featuring women playing in men’s sports.

Graham’s love for the sport hit her at an early age.

“The first time I went to a professional game, I sat there and fell in love with (hockey) and ever since then I always wanted to play,” says Graham, 16, now a sophomore at VTHS.

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