Concussions, breaks on the rise due to harsh winter

BY ALEXIS TARRAZI (Straus News)snow

Bombarded with snow and freezing temperatures, this marks one of the harshest winters the tri-state area has experienced in a long time. It has also been one of the most dangerous in regards to winter-related injuries.

Orange Regional Medical Center in Middletown, N.Y. reported seeing an increase in snow related injuries including: back injuries, chest pain, falls and ankle, wrist and head injuries.

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Increased flu activity could be linked to Hurricane Sandy

fluBY ALEXIS TARRAZI – Straus News

The flu is spreading like wildfire this winter season, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports influenza activity remains high throughout the nation including New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Hospitals and medical centers continue to document a large number of patients coming in with the flu. Some reports state this flu season is worse than most and could be linked to a number of factors including stress and the season coming early.

“It’s worse than last year because the flu came earlier in the year and seems to have quickly spread throughout the entire community in New Jersey,” said Dr. David Stuhlmiller, Director of the Emergency Department at Newton Medical Center in Newton. “It made people ill during the holidays which also made it more widespread because more people were gathering together.”

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