Ken Grisback to run 140 miles in six days for MS

By Alexis Tarrazi – Straus News

Ken Grisback crossing the finish line at the New Jersey Marathon on May 5.

Ken Grisback crossing the finish line at the New Jersey Marathon on May 5.


LAFAYETTE — As if completing two Ironman Triathlons, multiple marathons, and a 50k wasn’t enough, Lafayette resident Ken Grisback will be tackling a new challenge — running 140 miles in six days all to benefit Multiple Sclerosis.

Grisback along with 15 other runners are trekking a total of 3,000 miles across the United States, from Los Angeles, Cali. to New York City, N.Y. over six months as part of MS Run the US. MS Run the US, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to raising disease awareness and funds to further research in the fight to end multiple sclerosis.

The runners have been selected to individually run the equivalent of approximately a marathon (26.2 miles) every day for six consecutive days during their assigned segment. Grisback’s leg will take him from Clearfield, Pa. on Aug. 24 to Mahanoy City, Pa. on Aug. 29.

The entirety of the relay will span 145 days in an effort to raise $500,000 to help cure multiple sclerosis. Grisback is looking to raise a total of $10,000 — so far he has close to $7,000 but still needs more donations.

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