Curb the winter blues with soup

Photo by Alexis TarraziAndre's Restaurant recently opened a Soup Bar offering a variety of soups. In this photo are from left: Curried Sweet Potato, Celery Knob and Black Truffle, and Onion Broth.

Photo by Alexis Tarrazi
Andre’s Restaurant recently opened a Soup Bar offering a variety of soups. In this photo are from left: Curried Sweet Potato, Celery Knob and Black Truffle, and Onion Broth.


NEWTON – Craving a cure to the winter blues? A sip of some soothing, homemade soup may just warm you right up.

Stirring up a hearty bowl of soup takes patience, technique and a good pot says Chef and Owner of Andre’s Restaurant & Wine Boutique in Newton, Andre deWaal — who recently launched a Soup Bar for a casual eat-in or take-out lunch option.

“The spirit of a good soup comes from incorporating things in your kitchen,” says deWaal.

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