Locals finish strong at Boston Marathon

By Alexis Tarrazi (Straus News)

Team Eastern in Boston prior to the race.

Team Eastern in Boston prior to the race.

Local runners from Team Eastern took to the streets of Boston on Patriot’s Day, April 21 and conquered.

Soaking in the crowd’s excitement helped drive each one to the finish line.

“The spectators were so energizing!” said Laura DeLea of Sparta. “They lined the streets 20 rows deep for 26.2 miles… Music blasting, fans cheering, the people of Massachusetts thanking us as we ran for not giving up on Boston and for being there for them. I can’t explain it… It made me laugh, it made me cry but most of all it made me keep on going even when I thought I had nothing left.”

The running group, made up of 11 locals across Sussex County, each finished the Boston Marathon. Some even ran a personal best — including Brendan McDonough of Sparta, Paul Meyer of Hackettstown and Lauren Huffman of Branchville.

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